REUNION - ISLAND was born about three or four millions years ago, it is a volcano in the INDIAN OCEAN , 5 kilometers down into the sea,and 3 up over the sea . It geographical situation is at 730 kilometers to EAST of MADAGASCAR , and to 230 kilometers to south - west from MAURITIUS . Its area is 2512 km2. The Capital is SAINT - DENIS which is at about 12824 kilometers from PARIS , by the Red sea , and SUEZ . It is a French Department since 1946.
Lots of beautiful Tropical flowers in all seasons,parfum flowers are also in this country .
THE INDUSTRY OF TOURISM as greatly developed these last 10 years , and many peoples are coming from all different countries . That is very good for the economy of our ISLAND , in which 40 % of the potent population is without any work .
Nowadays,the population is about one million people . On my site , The Cities's Names are in FRENCH , The text and Pictures are made by " " the OWNER of this site, in which you are welcome.

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